Perception Checking: The key to successful communication and co-construction of identities

by Sherry Umlah This synthesis writing illustrates the role that perception and interpretation have in co-constructing identities and effectively communicating. It is based on the following six articles: “Inhaling: Perception,” by John Stewart, Karen E. Zediker & Saskia Witteborn In this article, the authors’ illustrated how our perception processes can affect our interpersonal communication.  A key […]

222 Ways to Entrepreneurial Success

In 2005, while co-founding and planning the CU-GROW Conference for Businesses and Entrepreneurs, I also co-authored a book: 222 Ways to Entrepreneurial Success.  It’s no longer in print, but you can find a used copy on Amazon. From two entrepreneurial enthusiasts comes 222 Ways to Entrepreneurial Success! If you’re looking for the perfect book that provides valuable […]

Count Love In

by Sherry Umlah If there’s one thing I’ve learned from time it’s that love can’t always be counted on, but you can always count it in.   After a while, you learn there’s more than one kind of love and that sometimes giving love is easier than receiving it; easier than losing it.   And […]