Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for MacOS.

  1. Open the Mac terminal and enter this at the command prompt:
    > /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”
  2. Run > brew update to make sure it’s the most recent version of Homebrew
  3. Run > brew doctor to make sure your system is ready to brew

Setting up a default IDE (VS Code) for the Mac Terminal

  1. Download VS Code and install it.
  2. Within the Mac terminal, navigate to /Users/yourUserName and at the command prompt enter > touch .bash_profile to create a .bash_profile file
  3. Open the .bash_profile file by entering > open bash_profile
  4. Add the following line to your .bash_profile file and save it:  export EDITOR=”code -w”
  5. Open VS Code and press Command + shift + p to open the command palette. Within the command palette type type code and click Shell Command: Install ‘code’ command in PATH.
  6. Within the terminal, at the command prompt enter this to refresh and use the latest version of your bash_profile file:
    > source .bash_profile
  7. Now you can edit any file by prefacing it with > code.  Example: > code yourFilename  OR  > code . (to open the current directory)

Use Homebrew to Install Ruby

  1. At the Mac terminal command prompt, enter:
    > brew install ruby
    This will install ruby.  You may see a message such as:
    By default, binaries installed by gem will be placed into:  /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin
  2. Opent your bash_profile file in VS Code to edit it:
    > code ~/.bash_profile
  3. Update the ~/.bash_profile file to have this line appear first in the file and then save it:
    export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH
  4. Refresh the ~/.bash_profile file by entering:
    > source ~/.bash_profile

Install Rails

  1. At the Mac terminal prompt enter:
    > gem install Rails

Installing Node and Yarn

You might need Node.js and Yarn installed to manage your application’s JavaScript.  (npm — node package manager — will be installed with Node). At the Mac terminal prompt, run:
> brew install node

Verify the installation worked by running a check on the version of Node installed:
> node –version

Install Yarn by running:

> brew install yarn

Verify the installation worked by running a check on the version of Yarn installed:
> yarn -v


Jazz Up the ZSH Terminal