Captain Outlander is a side scroller platform game that was designed using GameSalad.  The capstone project was produced as part of a Digital Project Management course for McHenry County College’s Digital Media program.

The game consists of 4 level designs: ice caverns, slums, factory, and the ice castle.  Artwork was created by Sherry using Photoshop and 3DS Max (for the main astronaut character).

Game story:
You are an astronaut and have just crashed on an unknown planet.  Your spaceship is broken and is in need of repair. You must find the parts before you can repair your ship.

The goal of the game is to collect the repair parts needed that are scattered across the planet while avoiding harmful things.  Collision detection is used to discount character health points (up to 3 health points before death).  Avoid falling ice picks in the caverns and ferocious rats in the slums.  Be a skilled jumper on moving platforms without falling into the endless pits of the factory.

The final stage involves defeating a fireball-throwing boss by jumping on him to reduce his health without being hit by the fireballs.